warframe farming · Warframe Guides

Warframe Planets Unlock List & Bosses Drops

As you can see in the structure above it all starts from Mercury. Whenever you kill Vor you unlock Mars and Venus. Thereon you have to kill bosses to unlock different planets. It now splits between Mars side and Venus side.

Now lets look on each boss for each planet and what you can get on each mission completion.

Mercury – Vor: Vor can grant you the Cronus Sword blueprint as well as the Seer Pistols Blueprint.

Venus – The Jackal: It can get you parts for Rhyno as well as the Howl of the Kubrow Quest.

Earth – Vay Hek: This one can get you parts for Hydorid; you need to be Level 5 to be able to fight this guy.

Mars – The Sergeant: The Seargeant will give you parts for Mag.

Jupiter – Alad V: Will give you parts for Valkyr.

Saturn – General Sargas Ruk: A big pain for a lot of players once they get to this boss; it will drop however parts for Ember.

Uranus – Tyl Regor: To be able to go to this one you’ll need an Archwing; it will get you pieces for Equinox, in total there are as much as 8 parts.

Neptune – Hyena Pack: This will drop the parts for Loki.

Pluto – Ambulas: This will get you the parts for the Excalibur.

Ceres – Liutenant Lech Kril: Another hard one and it will eventually drop for you the parts for Frost.

Eris – J3-Golem + Mutalist Alad V: Here things are starting to get a bit different. You need to fight Mutalist Alad V to get Mesa and the J3-Golem to get the new warframe Alice. However further details are required: Mutalist Alad V can be fougt by collecting 3 Mutalist Alad V coordinates and the J-3 Golem can ONLY be fought after completing the quest called “The Jordas Precept“.

Sedna – Kela De Thaym: It will get you the necessary parts for the strange, yet effective Serro.

Europa – The Raptor: You can build Nova with parts dropped by this guy.

Phobos – Lieutenant Lech Krill + Captain Vor: It is a dual boss fight, but by completing this one you can get parts for Trinity and Miter which is basically a saw blade gun.

Orokin Derelict – Lephantis: You need to make this key and you need to fight Lephantis which will give the parts for Nekros.

These were the planets order and bosses droppings in Warframe for each of them. Now that you have your plan all you need to do is to go out there and start kicking some asses. Most of them are straightfroward, but others require you to do a bit more. Enjoy and happy framing!

warframe farming · Warframe Guides

Warframe – Farming Credits Fast Part 2

Check out the first part of this tutorial about how to farm credits fast in warframe by going to this other page on this blog: Warframe Farm Credits Fast PART 1

Dark Sectors Missions

Apart from the first part of the methods that I have explained in this post on how to get credits I am now finishing the story and write my Part 2 of earning credits in Warframe. My favourite method for earning fast credits in Warframe are the new Dark Sector Missions. First you have to be sure there are no clans competing on this type of missions. They have a huge credit bonus and I recommend you to play them on Ceres planet. After 5 minutes in Survival missions for example you can get as much as 20.000 credits. In Defense missions as well, after 5 waves you get get more or less the same amount of credits. Depending on the planet you earn more, that’s why I recommend Ceres as is high level planet. If you have trouble in defense missions you will just have to go for the survival ones as they can be more easy to pass and in less time than the defense ones.

One method that anybody could use, but not too many have actually think of is to go to you inventory and to actually sell all of the mods that you collected along the game which you don’t need. Usually, we don’t care about them, therefore we forget that we could actually sell them in exchange for credits.

However, I don’t recommend selling your rare mods as these can be used later for transmuting. When I realized that I can do that I actually got almost 500.000 credits. You can sell all the rare extra mods that you will not use for transmutation. The rare mods will get you 2000 or 2500 credits, the uncommon mods can be sold for 500 credits each and the common ones are sold for 100 or 200 credits each.

There are not big amounts, but if you manage to sell for example 100 uncommon mods you get a lot of credits :). Not to mention that the common mods are not hard to gain, after like ten hours of playing I am sure you will get numerous of them which you can easily sell for credits. Anyway that being said I think I covered up pretty much all the things that you should know about Warfarme and Credits. In my opinion the Dark Sector Missions are the best way at the moment to go for easy fast credits, but you can choose whichever suits you.

warframe farming · Warframe Guides

Warframe – Fast Credits Farming Guide

I am gonna start from the beginning with the Alert missions that can pop-up from time to time which will deliver up to 10.000 credits for you. The next type of missions are the Void missions which everybody knows about them. You play Survival and Defense Missions  and get Void keys after which you go to the Void and complete missions from which you can get up to 25.000 credits. This used to be my best method to gain a lot of money along with my team by completing tier 3 missions.

Check this page for more valuable information about how to farm credits fast in warframe.

The Capture Missions

The ones that you really have to go after are the Capture Missions which will deliver fair amounts of credits, but they are the easiest to complete. Never avoid one of these type of missions, credits are very important in the game. They are really short in time and if you have something as the Volt Warframe which will make the mission as easy as it can get.

The next method that I know is to fight and defeat the greates of the greates of all bosses which is Ambulas which can be found on planet Pluto. Of course this is not for the beginners, but if have the necessary Warframe and Equipment you should go for it. Defeating this boss will deliver to you somewhere around 35.000 credits and as a bonus you will also get a blueprint for Excalibur or an Excalibur part to buid the Excalibur. However, if you don’t need the Excalibur part or its blueprint you can easily sell it for even more 35.000 credits. In total you be earned around 70.000 credits in no time.


Warframe Platinum Generator No Survey

Warframe is a game which showcases a specific style of gameplay and creative characters and environments. In terms of style and gameplay, Warframe is a game for all many tastes. However, what is not for all tastes is the warframe currency. In Warframe you need platinum to be able to buy various accessories and weapons to help players defeat enemies. The problem is that platinum in warframe can make the difference between winning and losing in a co-op match. Having a warframe platinum generator this problem is eliminated. The warframe generator is one of those warframe hacks that help you get free platinum without being detected. Using this tool you will be able to get many free platinum each day without any risk.

What is the Warframe Platinum Generator No Survey?

As a fan of Warframe and as a fan of good valuable hacks I looked over the internet for a hack which can generate free platinum to my account. After I ran into countless bullshit websites, before I was about to give it up, I ran into a working program which not only delivers free platinum but it is a very stable and safe program as I tested it a lot before sharing it to you. This no survey warframe platinum generator it is created by a team which they really know what they are doing. The software is created so that it will have a long life because of its features with which it was created.

The best feature of the tool is that it will deliver only 1000 platinum per day, which as I tested myself, this is a really useful feature which will keep the program from getting patched. In my journey of finding this program I ran into other people which as well as me was skeptical about this, but we reach to the same conclusion: the warframe platinum generator it is really 100% safe to use no matter from where you are using it it will successfully deliver to your account free platinum which you will be able to use just as the normal ones for which you are paying hard money.

warframe platinum generator

I know that some of you will say that these kind of tools should not exist, but I must say that this is not the case for everybody. It is clearly that the tactic of the game producers and developers is to release a great game for free and make in-game goods too damn expensive. I don’t know about others, I am sure I will definitely use the platinum generator without any remorse because I come from a third world  country from where money has little value comparing to other countries. This platinum tool really makes my life better I must say as I can relax myself after a long working day without spending to much money for the platinum.

I am happy that I ran into this program and I understand if you will hate me for using it, but I don’t care, it means that you don’t understand from where I come from. If you would live where I live you will understand why this kind of tools are a necessity. I am happy for you that you don’t need this kind of program and I assure you that I will not have an advantage if I will met as my enemy in game. I will be just as equal as you are and if I win it is because I am better than you, not because I am using the free warframe platinum hack. You can freely use the program without being having to face guys like me which use such typr of programs.

How to Use The Warframe Platinum Generator?

I must say that the hack tool is efficient in this way too. Not only it does not have a survey, but it is very simple to use and there is no specific skill required to be able o use it.  The creators of the no survey version of the generator really knew what they are doing, they make this accessible to as many people as they could, young to old, new to advanced, you name it. All you have to do is to click a generate button (on the right side of the program) after which you have to click the add button in order to generate the platinum to your account. The old version was delivering the platinum very slow and sometimes was not delivering at all. With the new version this happens in the very same minute when you used the program.


When it comes to hacking tools the hacking team are taking things as seriously as they can. This  generator proves their dedication to help people that need to be helped. The game is very engaging and entertaining up to the point when you need some platinum. Without platinum you can not have a daily job anymore. You have to play the game hundreds of hours to reach a higher level. Instead of delivering unlimited amounts of free platinum, the creators of the warframe platinum generator no survey version decided to force users to have specific amounts of free platinum on a daily basis. This way it will be useable for a long period of time without any drawbacks. The hack tool is also very simple to use. The updated new version is even easier and they are actually constantly changing and improving the overall efficiency of the program. Enjoy!

warframe farming · Warframe Guides

Warframe Farming for XP – Beginners

The most XP you gain you will level up. The best place to start farming for XP is Earth, beyond Earth the missions are getting more and more harder. On Earth you will also encounter your first Defense Mission where you will actually have to defend something like a Power Core from waves of enemies. After Earth you will want to go to Kappa planet or you can search on the internet for the best defense planet that suites your desires. I can recommend you to go to Xini as this is a very popular map which a lot of players are using it for gaining Experience Points.

Warframe Farming For XP

Another popular spot for farming for XP is Cyath which will definitely increase your XP since it is a Mobile Defense. Some players prefer Kappa since it is a mobile defense and it will deliver more XP and it is relatively in beginning of the game, right after Earth. But even they reach further planets they still go for Kappa.

Best Places to Farm XP Video

These planets are also good for farming Materials as you will encounter a lot of mobs coming to destroy what you are defending, hence increased chances of getting more and more materials. This being said I hope you understand pretty much of it, it’s not very hard. Even so you can always use the comment section in order to ask your questions and I will happily respond to them. If you want to find out about farming for materials and warframe parts you can go >>HERE<< and read my tutorial.

warframe farming · Warframe Guides

Warframe – Farming For Materials And Parts

Hey there fellas! In this post I’m gonna talk about basic farming. Farming for XP for warframe parts or for materials and even for more advanced stuff in the section Advanced Guide. First part of the post is dedicated to new players which need a little help to get it started in Warframe. I just hope it will help you newcomers. Here we go.

Farm for Materials

First of all these are very important in the game, you have to materials to create different things as different warframes or different materials. If I would want to create a Gorgon for example from the weapons menu, here are a few stuff you can do in order to get it complete:

You can do this by choosing Circuits and choose a planet’s circuits in order to gain more and more circuits. Each planet has different materials which will help you create different kind of weapons. For example Mercury will drop materials for Gorgon, but is not the only one that drops the same material. However they will drop also other materials apart from the one that the game says it will drop. The other materials that will be dropped are rare materials and in order to drop more materials you have to farm the bosses of that planet. The planets will not show at th beginning all the materials that they are dropping, as you will advance more and more and you will farm more circuits more materials will be available.

Farming for Warframe Parts

The idea is the same as farming for equipment, however this time you have to beat only bosses which will drop different parts for the building of a Warframe. The “best” part is that it doesn’t shoe anywhere which boss will drop what part. You can go to any online resource to see what boss drops what part in order to complete successfully a Warframe. The point is to farm the same boss over and over again until he drops all the specific parts for the completion of the Warframe you want.

After you have all the necessary materials or parts you have to go to the Market to Warframe BluePrints and get a blueprint that you want wthout spending any money, only credits.

Visit the link below for more info about how to farm in warframe.




Hello to everybody and welcome to my blog where you will find lots of tutorials and tips for Warframe. I recently started playing the game and I am very decided to make like a personal journal where I write what I am learning hoping that other people will benefit from it. I am a great fan of online games these types of MMO’s and I am sure this is one of the best. I also played Destiny and Planetside 2, but I am feeling more attracted to Warframe, hence I am gonna try and be the best player.

My purpose is to try and help people which are starting as I am, playing the warframe game and having troubles in understanding the basics or he can’t find an easy to follow tutorial. I will try to take things step by step and I will provide only tested tips and tricks which are easy to follow and 100% useful. I will provide all kind of useful information about tactics, characters, weapons, team strategies and even official updates.

I hope that doing this I will keep less noobs in the game as we all know that these days they are a problem on every online game. They like to go into advanced rooms, battles and stuff like that without going first through the basics. This will not only things harder for them, but for other players as well. Stay alert and do not miss my first tutorial.

If you have any suggestions you can always contact me HERE